We live on a rock

Space Weather Girl is the first production house catering to the entire galaxy from the rock on which we live. The rest is history.

Space Weather Girl was founded in 2018 by Zena Wood. After nine years of production experience in New York City, Zena founded Space Weather Girl based on her passion for quality and ethical media, healthy working environments and beautiful, unusual visuals. By looking towards the US unions for actors, writers and crews, and working for various production houses in New York - she developed a keen sense for creating a good working environment as a producer for all parties involved in the media creation process. 

Zena's philosophy centers around prioritizing people in the production process. This encompasses creating a healthy working environment, minimizing stress, and ensuring equitable and fair compensation for all. Additionally, she has pioneered an innovative approach in which projects are supported by alternative revenue sources. Through cross-subsidization, Space Weather Girl's offerings gain the flexibility to evolve and adjust to the dynamic media landscape while upholding a strong commitment to both financial sustainability and social responsibility.

Zena works as a writer, performer and producer in New York City, South Africa and Amsterdam. In 2020 her original documentary, Will There Be Dancing, was awarded Best Documentary Short at the Cannes Short Film Festival, 2020. The documentary featured NASA scientists and explored creativity within space exploration. In 2022, a feature narrative she produced, The Blacklight, had its theatrical run at AMC Theaters in New York and Chicago. She has also worked for major Fortune 500 companies as a producer and First Assistant Director. 

Zena has always been fascinated with space and the world of technology. Her father is a rambo nature conservationist in Africa. And her mother is an actress. With both a love of the outdoors and the theatrical indoors, Zena’s life as a producer, performer and founder seems like a perfect mix of both. After studying political science, musical theater and graduating with her MBA in Leadership and Sustainability, she now embraces the role of founder and creative director at Space Weather Girl.

How it all started


SWG lands on Youtube, Earth


SWG is accepted to The Nomad Academy to be developed as a company.


SWG wins Best Documentary Short at Cannes Short Film Festival with Will There Be Dancing.


SWG creates its first live show - Space Weather Girl’s Christmas Spectacular.


SWG is registered as an operating company in The Netherlands.


Second documentary in post production


Space Weather Girl is committed to transcending borders. We recognize that the wealth of knowledge and insights gained from diverse life experiences is a wellspring of inspiration that informs the creative process. Our belief in the limitless nature of creativity is deeply intertwined with our feeling that people, shaped by their environments, possess a wealth of perspectives, traditions, and ideas. Today, a production house can operate from anywhere using a mix of remote and on the ground technology incorporating multiple valuable local perspectives and crews.

We aim to create work and explore all over the globe. Here are some of our most recent voyages:

Space Weather Girl is a film production house in The Netherlands.